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Wątek: angielski!!

  1. #1


    Witam !
    Mam prośbę: muszę napisać "100 słów dlaczego mógłbyś zostać wegetarianinem" czy mógłby mi ktoś coś takiego napisać !?!?!? Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny (w przyszłości może gratis?) Tylko żeby było poprawnie gramatycznie :P

  2. #2

    Re: angielski!!

    I would perfer to be a vegetarian becouse i think that meat is not good for our halth. You can, for example, have, after eating meal, some parasites. Also i am sick, when i thought that i eat something wich lives and feels like a human. Another reason is that i thougt about change my relgigion to islam, and they can not eat things like that. A lot of people do not eat meat and they usually live a few years longer, they do not have problems with theirs' hearts and vines (Tu sa 92 wyrazy). Mozna jeszcze gdzies wcisnac: Vegtables and fruits are an essentinal part of our diet as they contain a lot of nutreints.

    I wish you luck:P

    Dodam ze z angielskim nie mialm stycznosci od skonczenia liceum (no moze w RPGach ale tam nie mowia zawsze w sposob gramatycznie poprawny i nauczny w poskich szkolach. Pozatym nie pisza, przynajniej ja ze sluchu wszystko lapie:P) takze jesli kos moglby to zweryfikowac i ewentyalnie poprawic to prosze sie nie krepowac:P

  3. #3

    Re: angielski!!

    Znalazłem kilka błędów:
    that i eat something
    powinno byc "that I ate(forma przeszła) something"
    powinno byc Islam (nazwa własna)

    Tyle znalazłem

  4. #4

    Re: angielski!!

    A dokladniej "because"

  5. #5

    Re: angielski!!

    I would prefer to be a vegetarian because I think that meat is not good for our health. You can, for example, have, after eating meat, some parasites. I am sick, when I think about eating something, which has been living and feels like a human. Another reason is that I have been thinking about changing my relgion into islam. The confessors of this denomination mustn't eat meals made from meat. Scientists assure that vegetarians usually live a few years longer than people which consume meat. They don't have any problems with theirs organismes. A healthy diet, which includes lots of fruit and vegetables ward off the danger of stroke or heart attack. It also influence on our mood.

    coś niecałe 120
    sorry SDY, że tak pozmieniałem


  6. #6

    Re: angielski!!

    nie theirs organismes poprawnie jest bez "s" : their organismes

  7. #7

    Re: angielski!!

    no i jesazcze jeden, pieprzone literówki

    ostatnie zdanie : influences

  8. #8

    Re: angielski!!

    During recent years, many diseases have been discovered in meat. Reaserches carried out by scientists showed that some of those diseases cannot be killed by any ordinary means (eg. boiling). It would be therefore advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits, which don't contain any unhealthy components and which are an immense source of vitamins. There has also been an outburst of a disease carried by birds, so chicken breast- a meal favoured by dieteticians so far- can also be very leathal to our health. And the worst thing about eating meat is the way animals are often treated before they are slaughtered- they are overfed and live in overcrowded and very dirty cages.

  9. #9

    Re: angielski!!

    PS: przykro mi, chlopaki, ale proponowane przez Was texty sa pelne bledow i niezgrabnie napisane! Leviatan, studiuje anglistyke, zachecam do wykorzystania mojego textu. Pozdrawiam!

  10. #10

    Re: angielski!!

    Heh. Staralem sie pomoc jak umialem:P Twoj tekscik jest lepszy, bez zdan. Chlopak prosil-chcialem pomoc. Dzieki za poprawki:P Zawsze bylem bardziej komunikatywny i wygadany niz gramatyczny (to przez te filmy w divx'ie bez napisow chyba...)

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