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Wątek: Children Of Bodom

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  1. #1

    Children Of Bodom

    Co myślicie o tej kapeli?? mi sie bardzo podoba jedna z moich ulubionych , moze dlatego ze od tego między innymi zaczeła sie moja przygoda z muzyką (z pełnym tego słowa znaczeniu )
    Something WIld - 8/10
    Hatebreeder 9/10
    Tokyo Warhearts 9/10
    Follow the Reaper 9/10
    Hate Crew Deathroll 8/10

  2. #2

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    Ja również bardzo lubie "Dzieciaki z Bodom" - fajnie grają.
    Mój ulubiony utworek to "Towards Dead End".

  3. #3

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    Może nie jest to mój ulubiony zespół, ale jak dla mnie to tak 7/10


  4. #4
    Atrax Robustus

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    Jak dzieciaki Ci sie podobaja, to sciagnij sobie caly album Stormlord - At the gates of Utopia. Ma o wiele bardziej "schizofreniczny" klimat niz dzieciaki, a wykonanie swietne. Zrobili nawet teledysk, ale jest troche psychiczny

  5. #5

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    kawałek Warheart wymiata

  6. #6

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    Kissing the Shadows równiez jest bardzo fajne...

  7. #7

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    mi wszystkie kawałki wymiataja, widzieliscie teledysk do everytime i die , albo do sixpounder??

  8. #8
    Atrax Robustus

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    Musze Wam jeszcze polecic Nokturnal Mortum... a mianowicie ich piosenke pt. Forgotten ages of Victories. Piosenka nie ma w sobie zadnych satanizmow, ale jest raczej bardzo patriotyczna
    macie tu tekst:
    The thunder of the drums is heard and cattle herds are driving back.
    Sunset is driving near,
    The heat of hoofs - all around melt away
    in the shaggy beard of great and wise elder sunset.
    The forests and the mountains surrounding the village
    he covers by golden cloth - the night is drawing near.
    Bonfires blaze up and the flame tongues raise up
    to blacken sky like hands.
    The hearers faces are visible through the flame.
    The grey-haired elder opens the secret of his past,
    through night and fire his word again find the youth.
    His face covered with wrinkles like waterless earth
    shined with life as in his youth.
    And his tale was drifted through the time
    to distant faraways of those days.
    When the steel was like continuation of the hand
    and the warriors were not afraid of their enemies power -
    then moon was shining brighter and sun warned more times than nowadays.
    The forest has been lighted by thousand of bonfires,
    it have been seen that celebration has begun,
    and singing drowned the noise of the wind
    but (the) elder continued this tale.
    When the valor and the honor was valued oved lie and hypocrisy,
    when the pride and the eminence
    was valued over the slavery and the cowardice.
    The enemies cities and villages were on fire!
    Blood and death, screams and mourns - Hell came out!
    The honor and the praise to power.
    The beat of hoofs and crunch of steel,
    the scythe of death flied over this field,
    eyes were looking into eyes and heavens were on fire!
    The warriors heart melted and tears appeared in the old eyes -
    the tears of the real master.
    His hand is clenched in the first,
    the teeth was gritted as that time,
    the ages of victories are over.
    It's now time to wait.
    No sooner that the sun get out of continement
    and the first rays let the birds know that the day had come.
    No sooner that the herds were driving on the pasture
    the hair of the old warrior was streaming by the breeze.
    He'd been looking at the faraways
    and didn't find that the celebration was over.
    His thoughts were with those far times.
    Like a cold shudder passed through his skin.
    He rose and returned back to his house
    not left by the memories about those distant times.
    The honor and praise to power!
    The forgotten ages of victories.

  9. #9
    Atrax Robustus

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    Nokturnal prezentuje soba dosc charakterystyczny ludowy styl. Jest to taki symfoniczny, ostry black metal. Przyznam, ze ich piosenki wywieraja na mnie dosc duze wrazenie, ale ciezko znalezc ich utwory w necie. Ich inne teksty sa wrecz rasistowskie, wiec specjalnie nie polecam, ale dosc duza czesc nawiazuje do tesknoty za dawnymi czasami i nie niesie w sobie zbytniej nienawisci.
    Sama muzyka tez jest ciekawa, bo perkusja bije dosc technicznie, symfonie delikaeni wspolgraja z gitarami. Czest opojawiaja sie odglosy mieczy, krzyki, wojna stal... i tak dalej.
    Powinno sie spodobac, ale to raczej dla tych, ktorzy lubia cos naprawde mocnego.

  10. #10

    Re: Children Of Bodom

    atrax znasz HONOR i konkwista 88 lub inne kapele o podobnej tematyce??

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