Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
zgaś lampe, ona tylko prąd zabiera potrzebny do uruchomienia tego czegoś dużego (jakby laser) w tym pokoju na prawo. Idź do drzwi z alarmem, kliknij na alarm, będziesz miał taką jakby płytke. Idź z tą płytką do tego lesera, połóż ją tam i uruchom to urządzenie. Będziesz miał pare kawałków, którymi potem załwtwiasz tenże alarm i przechodzisz przez drzwi. Dalej już nic nie zrobiłem bo nie miałem czasu, potem może sie za to jeszcze raz wezme 
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
zaraz powiesze autora tej gry i samego siebie.....!!!!!!!
jeśli ta gra nima końca i ma na celu żeby się człowiek powiesił to wyszło im wprost genialnie
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
przeszedłem dziś obie - cieniasy :P
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
jak przejść tą drugą gre (chba ostatnia plansz, tamta gdzi jest ufoludek i statek kosmiczny) no bo wpisałem już kod i w komputer i naprawiłem rozwalone kable a co teraz??
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
hehe, też przeszedłem :P
Jakby ktoś chciał, to tutaj zamieszczam wam opis przejścia kilku leveli (jakbyście chcieli więcej to krzyczcie):
Level 10
Go to the room at left and grab the key and the ball from the cabinet. You also
see a very strange statue. You can't do much with it right now. Just leave and
room and go upstairs. Use the key to open one of the locker and grab the red
card. Go back the room you got the key and ball. Use the red card on the green
circle on the statue to lower the stuff the two guys are holding. Zoom in and
it's a puzzle. Your goal is to get each color block to match the color stripe on
the border. Try this on your own first! Here's a way to do it in 11 steps:
1. click on the outer red block at lower right.
2. click on the outer red block at lower left.
3. click on the outer green block at upper left.
4. click on the outer red block at upper right.
5. click on the outer red block at lower right.
6. click on the outer green block at lower left.
7. click on the inner yellow block at lower left to expand it.
8. click on the inner yellow block at lower right to move it left.
9. click on the inner green block at upper right.
10. click on the outer red block at upper right to shrink it.
11. click on the outer red block at upper left to move it.
Zoom out, use the red card on the green circle again to raise the puzzle. Click
on the black button in the middle. It's the safe button. Woohoo, another key ^_^
Use the key on the middle door outside of the room to get to yet another level.
Level 11
Go to the room at right. It's a pool room. Keep going right, a dining area. Eek
evil looking spider. You can play around with it. I will be scared to see a real
life spider as big as that! Thankfully it has no major importance in the game.
Keep going right and grab the chalk from the black board in the next room. Also
grab the screwdriver and a key from the cabinet at lower left. Go back to the
first room in the level. Use the key to open the chest at lower right. You get
money! Hehe what could you do with the coin? How about play some pool? If you
put the white ball on the pool table and put the coin in the coin slot, you will
be playing a pool game. But before you begin, you might to take better care of
your stick. Maybe apply the chalk on the tip of your stick will give it a better
performance. What do you think? ^_^ If you make all the balls go down the holes,
you will get something special. (To play the pool, move your cursor around to
change the angle of your stick. Hold down the mouse button to shoot.) But if you
miss it totally, you can go grab more coins from the chest you opened. *A TRICK*
If you aim at the right hole as if you were going to shoot the white ball into
the hole, you can get both the blue and red balls into the holes at one shot.
After you win the pool game, a key originally stuck has shown up in the slot.
That key will open the locked door in the room where you got the chalk. That is
end of the level 11.
Level 12
This area is quite huge and confusing. Your first job is to solve the "green
wall" challenge in the room to your right. In order to move the wall back to
reveal two more doors, you need to turn all but only four or fewer lights on the
wall to green. If you ever play turn on lights game, you should know the rule.
Basically if you click on one light, the middle light as well as the lights
surrounding it will change their states. If the light is on, it will be turned
off and vice versa. At first glance this looks very hard. Fortunately there is
a trick to this. You want to turn the lights on column by column. There are 11
rows of lights in each column. Starting with the first column, click on row
number 2, 5, 8, and 11. Then go to column 3 and click on row number 1, 3, 4,
6,7, 9, and 10. See your goal is to turn all the unlight ones in the column 2.
Are you getting a hang of it yet? If not, let's do one more. Go to column 4 and
click on row number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. You should be able to do this
on your own now. But here's a diagram of all the buttons I clicked.
x = click, - = no click, do it from left to right, top to bottom.
________1___2___3___4___5___6___7___8___9___10__11 __12___
row 01| - - x - x x - x x x x x
row 02| x - - x x x x x - - - x
row 03| - - x x x x - - x - x x
row 04| - - x x x - x x - x x -
row 05| x - - x - - x x - x - -
row 06| - - x x x - - - x x x -
row 07| - - x x x - - x x x x -
row 08| x - - x - - - x x x - -
row 09| - - x x x x - - x - x x
row 10| - - x x - x - x x - x x <- wall should move now
row 11| x - - - - x x x - x - /
TIPS: If you clicked a wrong button, click the same wrong button again to undo
your mistake. If you really screwed up, get back to the previous room and then
return here and the wall will be reset.
Go to the newly released door to the left and examine the shelf on the left to
obtain a lightbulb. Then go to the newly released door on the right. Obtain a
wire-cutter from the cabinet on the upper right. Click on the cabinet in the
lower right to move it. A trap door is revealed. Walk in there. In the new
room, click on the wrinkle on the rug/carpet to flatten it. Move the chair over
and now you can stand on the chair to reach the lamp to obtain a key. Put the
lightbulb in the desk lamp to the right. Click on its power button to turn it
on. Click on the lamp's head to move it up and down. It will reveal a number
code on the wall. Make sure you get all the digits (there should be 8). I'd
recommend you write the 8-digit number down for later use. Click on the locker
to the north of the deak lamp to reveal another trap door but the passage is
locked for now. Go back to the green wall room and take the door on the lower
right. Despite its crowdness, there's a hidden passage here, can you reveal it?
To do so, first click on the table where the alarm clock sits. Then the taped
white box to its left. Then the brown stand in the back, the stand with the
green plant on it. Lastly the bed. Enter the newly revealed passage. In the
new area, go into the door on the right. Hit the red button and leave the room.
Move forward in the hallway and go into the room on the left. Use the
screwdriver on the left most panel to open the bottom of the security system.
Apply the wire-cutter to cut the green wire inside. Get out of the room and you
can now move forward for one more time. Go into the room to your right. Use
the key to open the cabinet on the right to get another key and a screwdriver.
Now look closely at the window like part to your left. There's a small black
triangle where it meets the ceiling. Click on it to reveal another hidden
passage. Instead of going up, leave the room and go back to the first room where
you hit the red button. Now hit the blue button. After you leave the room this
time, click on the shelf to your left in the hallway to move it. After it slides
under the opening in the ceiling. Go through it and you are back to the crowded
room with the alarm and the plant. Go to the green wall room and take the door
to the upper right. Then right again. You are in the room where you got the key
from the ceiling lamp. The hidden passage you revealed earlier is now
unblocked. Take it and you are back in a familiar room. Walk out the room and
move forward. You are in front of a vending machine. Some coke would be nice
but it's more important to the open the door eh? Go to the room to your left.
Enter the 8-digit security code you wrote down earlier and hit E. That will
obliterate the shield. Use the key to open the door and tada before you know
it, you are done 
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
z Opisem to każdy może......
Profesorek musisz wpisać w kompie QUEST, a później WEST... tam wszystko jest podane, trzeba tylko troche pomyśleć
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
no wylazłam zaraz po tym, jak was sie spytalam, jak trzeba otworzyc sejf ;-)
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
ale kiedy napisać to WEST. Wpisałem QUEST i na monitorze mi się pojawił pokój i jak terac pisałem west to nic sie niedzieje a jak wpisuje odrazu west to też nic. Kiedy ja mam wpisać to west wiem że jestem ułomny :P:P:P)
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
ok już przelzłem koleżanka znalazła wrozwiązanie.... wpisać ja musiałem EAST
Re: Śmieszne zdjęcia i gierka
yeah! przeszedłem całe to 
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