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  1. #1


    czy moglby mi ktos napisac najwarzniejshe informacje o ptashniku HETEROSCODRA MACULATA

  2. #2


    Heteroscodra Maculata

    Common name: Togo starburst.
    Described: 1899 by Pocock.
    Range: Togo and Southern Nigeria, West Africa.
    Size: Medium sized species reaching 110mm in legspan.
    Habitat: Arboreal species building silken retreats.
    Temp/humidity: 70 - 80oF / 70 - 80%
    Housing: Typical arboreal set-up is ideal. Slightly moist compost as a substrate with a slab of cork bark against one side behind which the spider can build its retreat.
    Comments: A small to medium species that makes up for it's size with it's attitude. H. maculata is very defensive once disturbed and definitely should not be handled. They will readily assume the threat posture with bared fangs and if the disturbance persists, they will follow through with a bite. Adult females are coloured with various shades of black, grey and white and the abdomen is spotted with black with a dark median line dorsally. The short, stout legs are striped and spotted and the rear legs have a distinct thickened appearance. Breeding is a simple affair with a receptive female and their courtship drumming is similar to Poecilotheria. An arboreal breeding set-up should be used for H. maculata. This consists of the females' container placed into a larger enclosed area and the lid removed. The male is then introduced into this area and can be left undisturbed for several nights. During this time, the male will visit the female in her container, mate and has ample room to make his escape if needed. The female rarely leaves her container allowing the male to keep a comfortable distance. Multiple mating may occur during this period. Approximately eight weeks later the egg sac is produced. This is usually attached to the side of the cork bark and guarded fiercely by the female. During incubation humidity levels should be constantly measured to prevent the eggs from either drying out or being destroyed by mould. The fully mobile spiderlings emerge approximately eight weeks later and number around 140. Aggressive feeders, H. maculata will tackle prey many times larger than itself and growth is reasonably fast in the first few months. Females can live in excess of ten years.

    Heteroscodra maculata Caresheet
    General Information
    Heteroscodra maculata, is a species of tarantula, in the subfamily Theraphosinae, described by Pocock in 1899. It is native to West and Central Africa. They live in trees and shrubs, hanging out on leaves, in hollows in the trees, and near the ground as well. Fast moving like lightning, and sporting a potent bite, they are not a beginner species. They range from a white to a grayish tan coloration with black to brownish spots and markings. They are able to reach legspans of up to 6 inches. They can live 15+ years in captivity.

    In captivity Heteroscodra maculata eat any type of insect smaller than themselves including but not limited to crickets, flies, fruit flies, fuzzy mice, lizards, pinhead crickets, pinkie mice, meal worms and roaches. They love flying insects such as moths. It is preferable that food items be no bigger than their own abdomens or carapace, though they are capable of taking larger prey items.
    Housing and Captive Requirements: Tips and Such
    This species can be kept in a container from as small as a salt shaker to as large as a 20 gallon tank, depending upon their size. Keep adults in a 10 or 20 gallon tank set on its end for more climbing space with a peat moss/potting soil mix for substrate. A pothos or rubber tree plant serves well as climbing material. They also enjoy paper towel tubes set upright in their enclosure.
    Here is some information on their native weather conditions for those interested. Currently temperatures in their native area are ranging from 77F to 79F during the evening to 88F to 91F during the day. The area is experiencing mostly partly cloudy conditions (out of the next 10 days, 8 are partly cloudy, and 2 are am clouds and pm sun). On average the chance of rain per day is 19% during the next ten days (2/12/04 - 2/21/04). Humdities are ranging from 75% during the day, and up to 100% during the evening. Sunrise is around 7:05 am and sunset is around 7:00 pm. During this time of year there is condensation from dew from 4am to 8am. If the humidity needs bumped you can always slightly overfill the waterdish. The rainy season will begin again in late spring.
    In their enclosures you can include climbing materials and decorations such as rubber tree plants, pothos plants, cork bark, driftwood, other live plants, or logs (solid or hollow). Your imagination is the limit, as far as decorations go, as long as you don't place any items into the enclosure that could be potentially harmful to your pet.

    Ornamental Baboon (Heteroscodra maculata)
    Heteroscodra maculata-Ornamental Baboon: These fierce tree dwellers never fail to make it interesting while working with them. They can fly up glass and plastic, and are ferocious biters. They also possess fairly strong venom, so caution is advised. They can reach 6 inches and are beautiful animals, with a spotty abdomen, and shades of brown, black, and white.

    Togo starburst (Heteroscodra maculata)
    Quick stats:
    Type: Arboreal, may burrow to some extent
    Size (approx): 1¾"? unsexed
    Feeding: Medium crickets, small roaches
    Enclosure: 16 oz. Spice jar
    Substrate: 1½" deep potting soil
    Furnishings: Cork bark for climbing
    Temp/Humidity: 80-84°F, 70-75% humidity
    Temperment: Very speedy, very aggressive when grown

  3. #3


    Poszukaj w starych postach - było tego troche o tym ptaszniku

  4. #4


    Szybka zwana "Togo Starburst Baboon"

    Nadrzewna - opis ciałka nie chcę mi się streszczać, zdjęcie masz np. na allegro

    ekspresowe tłumaczenie:

    Występowanie: Togo Starburst zach wybrzeże Afryki, blisko Ghana, Togo, Kamerunu, etc.
    Siedliska: Niskie palmy w lasach tropikalnych
    Rzomiar: 4 1/2-5 inches rozstawu nóg.
    Cechy: Szybka i dokładna, ale płochliwa. Świerszczyka wykrywa z przeciwnego końca terrarium błyskawicznie. Ugryzienie baaardzo bolesne. Odradzana sprzedaż początkującym.

    Ideal Setup: Terrarium ok. 30 litórw, jak dla nadrzewnych, należy dobrze rozwiązać problem zamknięcia/dostępu; musi być coś do wspinania (kora, patyki, korzeń), no i tofr na dnie - głównie celem utrzymania właściwej wilgotności. Wilg 70-80%, miseczka pożadana, temperatura 75-80 Farenheita, czyli 25-27 stopni C

    Jedzenie: robaczki wspiniające, np 3-5 świerszczy w tygodniu. małe jaszczurki itp/

  5. #5


    Jest to ptasznik afrykański, na wolności występuje w Ghanie, Nigerii i Togo. Jest to jeden z mniejszych ptaszników, dorasta do 4-4,5 cm wielkości (z rozpostartymi odnóżami do 10 cm).Wymaga niewielkiego terrarium o wymiarach 20 cm/15 cm/15 cm (dł./szer./wys. Optymalna temperatura dla tego gatunku to 25-28°C. Wilgotność powinna utrzymywać się na poziomie 70-75%. Jest bardzo szybka i agresywna. Jej jad jest bardzo silny i niebezpieczny dla zdrowia człowieka. Po ukąszeniu może nastąpić przyśpieszona akcja serca oraz długotrwały ból. Potrafi wykorzystać najmniejszą szczelinę do ucieczki

  6. #6


    Klocilbym sie, ze do 10cm dorasta. Osiaga nawet 15 cm z odnozami.

  7. #7


    Coz, to maly pajak. Ma cialka tak ze 4-5 cm (samica dorosla). Raczej rzadko dorasta do tych 15 cm...

  8. #8


    Ale wredne bydle - szybkie jak cholera...

  9. #9


    typowa kobieta: cieta, agresywna, szybka, silnie jadowita, atakuje zazwyczaj z doskoku....
    co do tych 4-5cm to bym dyskutowal, to nie tak malo.. moja ma ponad 5 choc jest strasznie spasiona, ale jak sie przykleji do szyby, z tymi swoimi szponami wyglada na olbrzyma

  10. #10


    najwarzniejshe :///
    she- to już umiałeś napisać ale "ż" to już nie.
    Sorki za offtopic ale wkurzaja mnie tacy kolesie PTASHNIKI [wulgaryzm x 1000]

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