Lasiodora stratipes?
Otóż kupiłem wczoraj pajączka (ok. L5). Na pojemniku napisane jest "lasiodora stratipes"... Co to za gatunek? Stratipes... szukałem w necie i nie znalazłem żadnych informacji. Może to błąd?
Re: Lasiodora stratipes?
lasiodora striatipes - nie stratipes, google prawde Ci powie 
Re: Lasiodora stratipes?
A jedak nie powiedziało.
Re: Lasiodora stratipes?
This is a great genus of large, hairy terrestrial tarantulas mainly from the eastern, Atlantic forests of Brazil. Many species in this genus rival the "Goliath Birdeater" (Theraphosa blondi) as the largest tarantulas in the world averaging 8" in legspan and capable of 10". Females are capable of over four ounces in body weight. L. parahybana is well-established in captive breeding programs and commonly available. Since 1999, L. cristatus has been offered as captive-born spiderlings fairly frequently. L. difficilis and L. striatipes are occasionsally available. L. klugi and others in the genus are rare offerings. Many species in his genus have not been produced in captivity yet. Lasiodora species makes great "display" tarantulas as they do not burrow or web a lot. They grow quick, feed frequently and on big prey, and are very active. Not for beginners due to their aggression, large fangs and irritating urticating hairs, this is still a must have for intermediate and advanced keepers.
mi wywala mase opisów na ten temat 
ja swoje trzymam w takich warunkach: 27C, 70-80% wilgotnosci, cykl oswietlenia 10h, terra 30/30 (ale moze byc zamałe jak dorosna) zdazaja sie osobniki bardzo agresywne,
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