Temat do dyskusji:ile gatunków zawiera rodzaj Brachypelma. Co stanowi że dany gatunek zostaje zaliczony do danej rodziny.
Jako ciekawostke podam tylko że B. annitha i B.smithi sa traktowane jako odmiany.
CITES podaje liczbe gatunków Brachypelm na 17 wliczając tutaj również dwie Aphonopelmy co by się zgadzało po ostatnich rewizjach taksonomicznych. Czy ktoś słyszał B.spinicrus?
Re: Brachypelmy
to nie jest brachypelma spinicrus tylko Citharacanthus spinicrus
Re: Brachypelmy
światowy katalog pająków
|--o Aphonopelma Pocock, 1901 [removed from synonymy of Eurypelma Koch, 1850; Rhechostica Simon, 1892; Dugesiella Pocock, 1901; Pterinopelma Pocock, 1901; Weyenberghiana Mello-Leitão, 1941; Weyenberghia Mello-Leitão, 1941; Delopelma Petrunkevitch, 1939; Chaunopelma Chamberlin, 1940; Clavopelma Chamberlin, 1940; Gosipelma Chamberlin, 1940; Apachepelma Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. aberrans (Chamberlin, 1917) [Eurypelma aberrans Chamberlin, 1917]
| |-- A. albiceps (Pocock, 1903) [Eurypelma pallidum O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Brachypelma albiceps Pocock, 1903]
| |-- A. anax (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella anax Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. apacheum Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. armada (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella armada Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. arnoldi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. baergi Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. behlei Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. bicoloratum Struchen, Brändle & Schmidt, 1996
| |-- A. bistriatum (Koch, 1838) [Mygale bistriata Koch, 1838; Eurypelma bistriatum Bonnet, 1956]
| |-- A. braunshausenii Tesmoingt, 1996
| |-- A. breenei Smith, 1995
| |-- A. brunnius Chamberlin, 1940 [Aphonopelma brunnium Brignoli, 1983]
| |-- A. burica Valerio, 1980 [Rhechostica burica Smith, 1986]
| |-- A. caniceps (Simon, 1891) [Eurypelma caniceps Simon, 1891]
| |-- A. chalcodes Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. chamberlini SMith, 1995
| |-- A. chambersi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. clarki Smith, 1995
| |-- A. clarum Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. coloradanum (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella coloradana Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. cookei Smith, 1995
| |-- A. cratium Chamberlin, 1940 [Aphonopelma cratius Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. crinirufum (Valerio, 1980) [Citharacanthus crinirufus Valerio, 1980]
| |-- A. crinitum (Pocock, 1901) [Dugesiella crinita Pocock, 1901]
| |-- A. cryptethum Chamberlin, 1940 [Aphonopelma cryptethus Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. duplex (Chamberlin, 1925) [Eurypelma duplex Chamberlin, 1925; Dugesiella duplex Petrunkevitch, 1939]
| |-- A. echinum (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella echina Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. eustathes (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella eustathes Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. eutylenum Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. gabeli Smith, 1995
| |-- A. geotoma (Chamberlin, 1937) [Eurypelma geotoma Chamberlin, 1937]
| |-- A. gertschi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. griseum Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. gurleyi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. hageni (Strand, 1906) [Eurypelma hageni Strand, 1906; Delopelma hageni Petrunkevitch, 1939]
| |-- A. harlingenum (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella harlingena Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. helluo (Simon, 1891) [Eurypelma helluo Simon, 1891; Delopelma helluo Petrunkevitch, 1939]
| |-- A. hentzi (Girard, 1852) [Mygale hentzii Girard, 1852; Eurypelma hentzi Simon, 1891; Dugesiella hentzi Banks, Newport & Bird, 1932]
| |-- A. hesperum (Chamberlin, 1917) [Eurypelma hespera Chamberlin, 1917]
| |-- A. heterops Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. hollyi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. iodius (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939) [Delopelma iodius Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939; Delopelma melanius Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939; Aphonopelma nevadanum Chamberlin, 1940; Aphonopelma angusi Chamberlin, 1940; Gosipelma angusi Brignoli, 1983; Aphonopelma iodium Smith, 1995; Aphonopelma melanium Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. iviei Smith, 1995
| |-- A. joshua Prentice, 1997
| |-- A. jungi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. lanceolatum (Simon, 1891) [Eurypelma lanceolatum Simon, 1891]
| |-- A. latens (Chamberlin, 1917) [Eurypelma latens Chamberlin, 1917]
| |-- A. levii Smith, 1995
| |-- A. lithodomum Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. marxi (Simon, 1891) [Eurypelma marxi Simon, 1891; Delopelma marxi Petrunkevitch, 1939; Delopelma simulatum Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939; Aphonopelma simulatum Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. minchi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. moderatum (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939) [Delopelma moderatum Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939]
| |-- A. mojave Prentice, 1997
| |-- A. mooreae Smith, 1995 [Aphonopelma moorei Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. mordax (Ausserer, 1871) [Eurypelma mordax Ausserer, 1871]
| |-- A. nayaritum Chamberlin, 1940 [Gosipelma nayaritum Brignoli, 1983]
| |-- A. odelli Smith, 1995
| |-- A. pallidum (O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) [Eurypelma pallidum O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Brachypelma pallidum Smith, 1986]
| |-- A. paloma Prentice, 1993 [Apachepelma paloma Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. pedatum (Strand, 1907) [Eurypelma pedatum Strand, 1907; Delopelma pedatum Petrunkevitch, 1939]
| |-- A. phanum Chamberlin, 1940 [Aphonopelma phasus Chamberlin, 1940; Gosipelma phanus Brignoli, 1983]
| |-- A. phasmus Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. platnicki Smith, 1995
| |-- A. prosoicum Chamberlin, 1940 [Aphonopelma prosoicus Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. punzoi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. radinum (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939) [Delopelma radinum Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939; Chaunopelma radinum Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. reversum Chamberlin, 1940
| |-- A. rothi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. rubropilosum (Ausserer, 1871) [Mygale avicularia Koch, 1842; Eurypelma rubropilosa Ausserer, 1871; Eurypelma rubropilosum Simon, 1892; Pterinopelma rubropilosum Mello-Leitão, 1923]
| |-- A. ruedanum Chamberlin, 1940 [Gosipelma ruedanum Brignoli, 1983]
| |-- A. rusticum (Simon, 1891) [Euryupelma rusticum Simon, 1891]
| |-- A. sandersoni Smith, 1995
| |-- A. schmidti Smith, 1995
| |-- A. sclerothrix (Valerio, 1980) [Citharacanthus sclerothrix Valerio, 1980]
| |-- A. seemanni (O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) [Eurypelma seemanni O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Rhechostica seemanni Smith, 1986; Aphonopelma seemani Bertani, 2000]
| |-- A. serratum (Simon, 1891) [Eurypelma serratum Simon, 1891]
| |-- A. smithi Smith, 1995
| |-- A. stahnkei Smith, 1995
| |-- A. steindachneri (Ausserer, 1875) [Eurypelma steindachneri Ausserer, 1875; Delopelma steindachneri Petrunkevitch, 1939; Rhechostica steindachneri Raven, 1985]
| |-- A. stoicum (Chamberlin, 1925) [Eurypelma stoica Chamberlin, 1925]
| |-- A. sullivani Smith, 1995
| |-- A. texense (Simon, 1891) [Homoeomma texense Simon, 1891; Rhechostica texense Pérez-Miles, 1992; Rhechostica texensis Simon, 1892; Aphonopelma texensis Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. truncatum (O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) [Eurypelma truncatum O.P.-Cambridge, 1897]
| |-- A. vogelae Smith, 1995 [Aphonopelma vogeli Smith, 1995]
| |-- A. vorhiesi (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939) [Delopelma vorhiesi Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939]
| |-- A. waconum (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella wacona Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. wichitanum (Chamberlin, 1940) [Dugesiella wichitana Chamberlin, 1940]
| |-- A. xanthochromum (Valerio, 1980) [Pterinopelma xanthochroma Valerio, 1980; Aphonopelma xanthochroma Schmidt, 1997]
| `-- A. zionis Chamberlin, 1940 [Gosipelma zionis Brignoli, 1983]
|--o Brachypelma Simon, 1891 [removed from synonymy of Euathlus Ausserer, 1875; Brachypelmides Schmidt & Krause, 1994]
| |-- B. albopilosum Valerio, 1980 [Brachypelma albopilosa Valerio, 1980]
| |-- B. andrewi Schmidt, 1992 [Euathlus truculentus Smith, 1992]
| |-- B. angustum Valerio, 1980 [Brachypelma angusta Valerio, 1980]
| |-- B. annitha Tesmoingt, Cleton & Verdez, 1997
| |-- B. auratum Schmidt, 1992
| |-- B. aureoceps (Chamberlin, 1917) [Eurypelma aureoceps Chamberlin, 1917]
| |-- B. baumgarteni Smith, 1993
| |-- B. boehmei Schmidt & Klaas, 1993
| |-- B. embrithes (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936) [Eurypelma embrithes Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936]
| |-- B. emiliae (White, 1856) [Mygale emiliae White, 1856; Brachypelma aemilia Simon, 1891; Eurypelma emiliae O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Euathlus emiliae Baxter, 1993]
| |-- B. epicureanum (Chamberlin, 1925) [Eurypelma epicureana Chamberlin, 1925; Dugesiella eepicureana Petrunkevitch, 1939; Brachypelma epicureana Smith, 1993]
| |-- B. fossorium Valerio, 1980 [Brachypelma fossoria Valerio, 1980]
| |-- B. hamorii Tesmoingt, Cleton & Verdez, 1997
| |-- B. klaasi (Schmidt & Krause, 1994) [Brachypelmides Schmidt & Krause, 1994]
| |-- B. ruhnaui (Schmidt, 1997) [Brachypelmides ruhnaui Schmidt, 1997]
| |-- B. sabulosum (O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) [Eurypelma sabulosum O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Delopelma sabulosum Petrunkevitch, 1939]
| |-- B. schroederi Rudloff, 2003
| |-- B. smithi (O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) [Eurypelma smithi O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Euathlus smithi Baxter, 1993]
| |-- B. vagans (Ausserer, 1875) [Eurypelma vagans Ausserer, 1875; Eurypelma dupontii Becker, 1879]
| `-- B. verdezi Schmidt, 2003
|--o Chromatopelma Schmidt, 1995
| `-- C. cyaneopubescens (Strand, 1907) [Eurypelma cyaneopubescens Strand, 1907; Delopelma cyaneopubescens Petrunkevitch, 1939; Chromatopelma cyanopubescens Schmidt, 1995; Avicularia cyaneopubescens ( Strand, 1907)]
|--o Citharacanthus Pocock, 1901 [Plesiopelma Pocock, 1901]
| |-- C. alayoni Rudloff, 1995
| |-- C. cyaneus (Rudloff, 1994) [Cyrtopholis cyaneus Rudloff, 1994]
| |-- C. livingstoni Schmidt & Weinmann, 1996
| |-- C. longipes (O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) [Eurypelma longipes O.P.-Cambridge, 1897]
| |-- C. meermani Reichling & West, 2000
| |-- C. niger Franganillo, 1931 [Citharacanthus longipes niger Franganillo, 1931]
| |-- C. sargi (Strand, 1907) [Cyrtopholis sargi Strand, 1907]
| `-- C. spinicrus (Latreille, 1819) [Mygale spinicrus Latreille, 1819; Mygale cubana Walckenaer, 1837; Eurypelma spinicrus Ausserer, 1871; Xenestis cubana Franganillo, 1930; Demotarbus cubanus Franganillo, 1931; Demotarbus spinicrus Franganillo, 1931; Citharacanthus spinicrus Petrunkevitch, 1939]
|--o Clavopelma Chamberlin, 1940 [removed from the synonymy of Aphonopelma Pocock, 1901]
| `-- C. tamaulipeca (Chamberlin, 1937) [Eurypelma tamaulipeca Chamberlin, 1937; Aphonopelma tamaulipecum Smith, 1995; Aphonopelma tamaulipeca Schmidt, 1997; Clavopelma tamaulipecum Prentice, 1997]
|--o Euathlus Ausserer, 1875 [Brachypelma Simon, 1891; Phrixotrichus Simon, 1889]
| |-- E. pulcherrimaklaasi (Schmidt, 1991) [Paraphysa pulcherrimaklaasi Schmidt, 1991; Phrixotrichus pulcherrimaklaasi Schmidt, 1994]
| |-- E. truculentus Ausserer, 1875 [Paraphysa phryxotrichoides Strand, 1907; Paraphysa manicata Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1963; Phrixotrichus phryxotrichoides Schmidt, 1994]
| `--o E. vulpinus (Karsch, 1880) [Orthotrichus vulpinus Karsch, 1880]
| `-- E. v. ater (Donoso, 1957) [Phrixotrichus roseus ater Donoso, 1957]
|--o Grammostola Simon, 1892 [Sorata Strand, 1907; Lasiopelma Simon, 1892]
| |-- G. acteon (Pocock, 1903) [Citharoscelus actaon Pocock, 1903; Grammostola brevimetatarsis Strand, 1907]
| |-- G. alticeps (Pocock, 1903) [Citharoscelus alticeps Pocock, 1903]
| |-- G. aureostriata Schmidt & Bullmer, 2001
| |-- G. burzaquensis Ibarra, 1946 [Grammostola pulchripes burzaquensis Bücherl, 1951]
| |-- G. chalcothrix Chamberlin, 1917 [Grammostola iheringi Bücherl, 1951]
| |-- G. doeringi (Holmberg, 1881) [Eurypelma doeringii Holmberg, 1881; Eurypelma minax Thorell, 1894]
| |-- G. fossor Schmidt, 2001
| |-- G. gossei (Pocock, 1899) [Citharoscelus gossei Pocock, 1899; Grammostola spatulata Bücherl, 1951]
| |-- G. grossa (Ausserer, 1871) [Lasiocnemus grossus Ausserer, 1871; Lasiopelma grossum Simon, 1892; Grammostola grandicola Strand, 1908; Grammostola ferruginea Mello-Leitão, 1921; Grammostola fasciata Mello-Leitão, 1921]
| |-- G. iheringi (Keyserling, 1891) [Eurypelma iheringii Keyserling, 1891; Agathostola iheringi Pocock, 1895;
| | Citharoscelus iheringi Pocock, 1903; Grammostola jheringi Simon, 1903; Grammostola gigantea Mello-Leitão, 1921; Grammostola iheringii Bücherl, 1957]
| |-- G. inermis Mello-Leitão, 1941 [Grammostola australis Gerschman & Schiapelli, 1948; Grammostola spatulata inermis Bücherl, 1951; Grammostola spatulata australis Bücherl, 1951]
| |-- G. mendozae (Strand, 1907) [Eurypelma mendozae Strand, 1907; Dugesiella mendozae Petrunkevitch, 1939; Grammostola mendozina Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1961]
| |-- G. mollicoma (Ausserer, 1875) [Eurypelma mollicomum Ausserer, 1875; Eurypelma pulchripes Simon, 1891; Grammostola pulchripes Simon, 1892; Citharoscelus mollicomus Pocock, 1903; Grammostola roquettei Mello-Leitão, 1921; Grammostola longimana Mello-Leitão, 1923; Phrixotrichus mollicoma Pérez-Miles, 1996]
| |-- G. monticola (Strand, 1907) [Sorata monticola Strand, 1907]
| |-- G. porteri (Mello-Leitão, 1936) [Lasiodora porteri Mello-Leitão, 1936]
| |-- G. pulchra Mello-Leitão, 1921 [Grammostola pulchripes pulchra Bücherl, 1951]
| |-- G. rosea (Walckenaer, 1837) [Mygale rosea Walckenaer, 1837; Mygale rubiginosa Nicolet, 1849; Lasiodora rosea Koch, 1850; Eurypelma rosea Koch, 1850; Eurypelma spatulatum O.P.-Cambridge, 1897; Citharoscelus kochii O.P.-Cambridge, 1899; Citharoscelus spatulatus Pocock, 1903; Grammostola spatulata Simon, 1903; Grammostola argentinense Strand, 1907; Grammostola cala Chamberlin, 1917; Grammostola spathulata Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1962]
| `-- G. vachoni Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1961
|--o Iracema Pérez-Miles, 2000
| |-- I. cabocla Pérez-Miles, 2000
| `-- I. horrida (Schmidt, 1994) [Paraphysa horrida Schmidt, 1994]
|--o Paraphysa Simon, 1892 [Pseudhapalopus Strand, 1907]
| |?- P. horrida Schmidt, 1994
| |-- P. parvula (Pocock, 1903) [Phryxotrichus parvulus Pocock, 1903]
| `-- P. scrofa (Molina, 1788) [Aranea scrofa Molina, 1788; Mygale chilensis Molina, 1810; Mygale rosea Koch, 1842; Phrixotrichus roseus Simon, 1889; Paraphysa manicata Simon, 1892; Phrixotrichus chilensis Simon, 1896; Phrixotrichus auratus Pocock, 1903; Phrixotrichus scrofa Porter, 1930]
|--o Plesiopelma Pocock, 1901 [Citharacanthus Pocock, 1900; Ceropelma Mello-Leitão, 1923]
| |-- P. flavohirtum (Simon, 1889) [Hapalopus flavohirtus Simon, 1889; Ceropelma flavohirtus Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1970; Ceropelma flavohirtum Schmidt, 1993]
| |-- P. gertschi (Caporiacco, 1995) [Ceropelma gertschi Caporiacco, 1955]
| |-- P. imperatrix Piza, 1976 [Eurypelma imperatrix Brignoli, 1983; Citharacanthus imperatrix Platnick, 1993]
| |-- P. insulare (Mello-Leitão, 1923) [Ceropelma insularis Mello-Leitão, 1923; Ceropelma insulare Bücherl, 1957]
| |-- P. longisternale (Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1942) [Ceropelma longisternalis Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1942; Homoeomma alcirae Gerschman & Schiapelli, 1954]
| |-- P. myodes Pocock, 1901
| |-- P. rectimanum (Mello-Leitão, 1923) [Hapalopus rectimanus Mello-Leitão, 1923]
| `-- P. semiauriantiacum (Simon, 1897) [Cyclosternum semiauriantiacum Simon, 1897; Ceropelma semiauriantiacum Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1970]
|--o Pseudhapalopus Strand, 1907 [removed from synonymy of Paraphysa Simon, 1892]
| |-- P. aculeatus Strand, 1907
| `-- P. spinulopalpus Schmidt & Weinmann, 1997
|--o Spaerobothria Karsch, 1879
| `-- S. hoffmanni Karsch, 1879 [Sphaerobothria hoffmanii Karsch, 1879]
`--o Thrixopelma Schmidt, 1994
|-- T. ockerti Schmidt, 1994
`-- T. pruriens Schmidt, 1998 [Paraphysa scrofa Schmidt, 1997]
Re: Brachypelmy
Mnie chodziło tylko o Brachypelmy a nie o cały internet ale twoje wieści są przestarzałe
Re: Brachypelmy
byłem na tej stronie jak szukałem czegoś do twojego tematu
Re: Brachypelmy
1. Brachypelma albopilosum
2. Brachypelma andrewi
3. Brachypelma angustum
4. Brachypelma annitha
5. Brachypelma auratum
6. Brachypelma aureoceps baergi
7. Brachypelma baumgarteni
8. Brachypelma boehmei
9. Brachypelma embrithes
10. Brachypelma emilia
11. Brachypelma epicureanum
12. Brachypelma fossorium
13. Brachypelma hamorii
14. Brachypelma klaasi
15. Brachypelma pallidum
16. Brachypelma ruhnaui
17. Brachypelma sabulosum
18. Brachypelma smithi
19. Brachypelma vagans
20. Brachypelma verdezi
21. Brachypelma baergi
Re: Brachypelmy
niestety mało, jest wiecej. np: B.rusticum (Simon 1891) przeniesiona do Brachypelm z Aphonopelm podobnie jak B.verdezi która na podstawie opisu Schmidta z 2003 roku została uznana jako Brachypelma. I które jeszcze?